Özyeğin University, Çekmeköy Campus Nişantepe District, Orman Street, 34794 Çekmeköy - İSTANBUL
Phone : +90 (216) 564 90 00
Fax : +90 (216) 564 99 99
E-mail: info@ozyegin.edu.tr

Pushing the limits of existing knowledge in collaboration with expert researchers while pursuing a master’s or doctoral degree is another way to learn advanced technologies for young engineers. Our Graduate School of Engineering will bring together highly competent, skillful people from every level of research in engineering and will retain a critical mass to create new technologies that will change the world.
The primary and the most important goal of Özyeğin University is to rank among the world’s leading universities. Research universities aim not only to disseminate existing information but also to contribute to the global know-how. At research universities, the faculty members’ time is allocated to research; and faculty members, each of whom is a distinguished researcher, are provided with extensive laboratory and research facilities.
The Özyeğin University Graduate School of Engineering takes pride in its distinct faculty members, each of whom is chosen from among the leading scientists and obtained their doctoral degrees from prestigious universities around the world. Our faculty members’ teaching load is arranged in accordance with the international standards of research universities and we endeavor to nurture a stimulating research environment where our faculty members are bestowed with all the necessary support and facilities they require to conduct modern research. The sum of our research funds and the international scientific awards we have been granted with since the day we were founded; as well as the quality of our scientific publications are the ample proof of our research focus. I would also like to underscore the high value of research scholars in the rapidly changing engineering sciences. Advance technologies can only be taught at research universities; as any attempt to teach technology without producing it is destined to fail and is accepting from the start to fall behind.
High quality master’s and doctoral degree programs are of great essence for a research university, as much as a robust faculty. There is a certain limit to what can be expected from researchers, no matter how distinguished or knowledgeable they are. These limitations can only be overcome through collaborations with a substantial number of high quality master’s and doctoral degree students. Pushing the limits of existing knowledge in collaboration with expert researchers while pursuing a master’s or doctoral degree is another way to learn advanced technologies for young engineers. Our Graduate School of Science and Engineering will bring together highly competent, skillful people from every level of research in engineering and will retain a critical mass to create new technologies that will change the world.
In addition to producing research scholars, master’s and doctoral degree programs in engineering also contribute to the establishment of high-tech start-ups. The top technology universities of the world are surrounded with such high-tech start-ups founded by their own graduates. Our graduate school selects its research interests and objectives to serve a fertile environment to start new high-tech businesses. With this mission in mind, we endeavor to meet the need for human resources holding a doctoral degree and, thus, bring the number of students with a PhD in Turkey closer to the international standards.